
Sacramental Definition

Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.


Any person wishing for themselves or their child to be initiated into the Church by the Sacrament of Baptism can fill out the attached documents by clicking on the following link.

Baptism Request Form


As the process of Confirmation is usually initiated within our schools, any other member of the Parish wishing to prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact the parish office for details.


Catholic marriage is a sacred vocation and sacrament entered into by two adults, whereby they join together not only within the laws of the nation but under the eyes of God.

For information on preparation and availability for the sacrament of marriage please contact the parish office.

Sacramental Program

The Sacramental Program 2024 encompasses First Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. Please follow the link to register for this program.

Enrol in 2024 Sacramental Program


As Catholics, we understand that death is the final pilgrimage of the soul to the promise of the resurrection. Our parish stands prepared to help the family and friends of those who have departed us to assist in providing a fitting funeral liturgy, offering both tribute to the life and a celebration of the promised resurrection of our departed.

For information on funeral bookings, please contact the parish office.